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Hospital Settles Litigation Over Fatal Bacteria Outbreak


The Covid-19 pandemic has provided a stark example of the dangers that virus and bacteria can pose – especially to those with already fragile or compromised immune systems. Some who are exposed face almost no symptoms, while others become seriously ill or even die.

Coronavirus has only been a known entity since the very end of 2019. But there are plenty of other germs out in the world that can cause serious harm when vulnerable patients are exposed to them. A good example comes from a medical malpractice lawsuit brought by parents who lost their premature babies after they were exposed to a bacteria that is mild or harmless in most people.

According to news reports, a major hospital in Pennsylvania experienced an outbreak of the Pseudomonas bacterium in mid-2019. The bacterium was found in the equipment used to prepare and store donor breast milk as well as the supplies used to clean that equipment. In all, eight premature babies tested positive for the bacterium, three of whom died. At least one other baby suffered a serious brain injury.

Hospital Admits Fault

It is very rare for physicians or hospitals to admit fault when settling a malpractice claim, which is both frustrating and insulting to victims and their families. It also leaves little hope that the defendant will learn from mistakes and prevent future errors.

In this case, however, the hospital both humbly admitted fault and said that it is taking active steps to prevent this kind of tragedy from recurring. The settlement amounts were not disclosed, but the admission of guilt and suggestion of remorse is a rare and refreshing outcome in a medical malpractice case.

If you or a loved one have been harmed (or worse) while receiving medical care, you may have been a victim of medical malpractice. To learn more about your rights and legal options, please consult with an experienced medical malpractice attorney in your area.
