Advantages of Having an Experienced Attorney on Your Case
North Carolina statutes governing personal injury liability and civil litigation procedures are complex. Nonetheless, if you file a claim pro se — meaning without a lawyer — the courts treat you as though you have the knowledge and experience of a licensed attorney. One mistake can cost you financial compensation and may even bar you from recovering anything at all.
Backed by more than three decades of experience, Hensley Cloninger & Greer, P.C., concentrates solely on personal injury law. We have a record of successful settlements and verdicts for our clients in Asheville and communities throughout North Carolina and the Southeast. Learn how we can help you at your no-obligation, free initial consultation.
Effective Investigation And Discovery
The investigation stage is the key to developing a successful claim. We have streamlined our discovery process to build the strongest case we can. Our firm promptly subpoenas crucial records, deposes the negligent defendants and consults with experts. Our attorneys know what to look for when we visit the accident scene and what to ask as we interview witnesses. Our legal team includes a nurse who is a certified paralegal, who helps us put together a clear, convincing argument backed by vital evidence. Each step we take after filing your personal injury claim is designed to move your case forward toward timely settlement or trial.
Negotiating With Insurance Companies
Insurance companies are businesses that strive to increase profits by cutting payouts to injured claimants. Typically, agents make an initial immediate lowball offer. If you accept this settlement, you waive your rights to pursue additional compensation. Another tactic agents might employ involves pressing you to make a statement while you are still under the influence of pain medication to treat your injuries.
To avoid forfeiting your rights, decline to speak to an insurance agent unless you have had the opportunity to consult your attorney first. We advise you on what we believe your case is worth based on our thorough investigation of the accident, and we strategize the means of reaching that amount. Because we engage in the personal injury settlement process every week, our lawyers have the skills and determination to negotiate the maximum possible settlement for your claim.